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  • Coach Pat

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

We're about all packed and ready to head to Heathrow, but I've got a little time to make a final posting. The team gathered yesterday at the race course to support Galway in the Academic 8 event and cheer Brown on in the champ events. Galway was bested by Oxford Brooks in the semis, but their women came by our group later to say thanks for good racing and cheering, and they traded a few shirts. Oxford Brooks was the eventual winner. Brown won the Champ 8 - go Bruno! I was sipping coffee yesterday in town next to some of the Brown V8, and they saw I was from WPI and let me know they loved our team and its surprise performance at NCAA. They were watching! And loving it! It seems WPI has a bit more notoriety these days (the good kind!). It feels rather satisfying. Some of you who have been around for decades will understand the gravity of this a lot better than others.

Our graduating seniors are starting new chapters, which is also a big step, and well deserved. As one of our team put it, being a successful student athlete is like a full time job, or way of life. I couldn't agree more. Achieving goals through commitment to "the process", hard work, perseverance, and a bit of lessons that books and professors cannot teach. I am constantly humbled by the personal development we see in our athletes over their 4 years with us, and the things that THEY teach US.

Thank you WPI, and Coach Steele, for the privilege of coaching them.

Thank you parents, friends and families for your trust in us.

Thank you WoCrew. Just, thank you,

Cheers to all! Have a great summer, and don't forget to have fun! There are smiles in every day (a great lesson from JP :-)!

Coach Pat

AWESOME Spitfire flyover for the event!!! Turn up the volume and listen to that V12 Rolls Royce!

What!!? No Shimanos!?

Last row for The Boat

Delivery of the Hudsons to the hallowed HRR Boat Tents

So Long Henley! Ta Ta for now...

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